Company Information
Company Name: kusukusu Inc.
Founded: 2013
CEO/Representative Director: Ryu Suzuki
Address: 2F 2-16-1Yuigahama, Kamakura, Kanagawa Japan #248-0014
tel: 0467-38-8284
fax: 0467-38-8291
email: hello@kusu-kusu.jp
Our Business
・Architectural and Interior Planning, Design, and Supervision
・Consulting for business strategies and management
・Renovation, Conversion
・Design products, furniture, and graphics
Our Philosophy
We think beyond design.
Human-centered designs have kept destroying the natural environment.
There are natural disasters caused by the abnormal weather conditions and the lack of food and water caused by the increase of the population around the world.
What can we leave for the future as designers?
Our Answers:
・Return the resources we have taken from the earth
・Design architectures and interiors that harmonize with the natural environment
・Take initiative to create the sustainable environment in a community
Our goal is to create more smiles that lead to the future through design.
The above is the thoughts we have put in the company name “kusukusu”, which means “chuckles” in English.
Shop Produce/Interior Design/Branding
Ryu Suzuki Designer / Representative at kusukusu Inc.
Born in 1981, in Zushi, a city in the Kanagawa prefecture of Japan. Graduated from Yoshimoto Kogyo NSC college in Japan, and worked for a few years as a comedian before embarking on his career as a designer. Founded kusukusu.inc in 2013, where he not only designs architecture, interiors, graphics and products, but also helps clients with shop produce and branding.
Award JCD(Japan Commercial Environmental Design)Award 2013 Silver Prize